What Are Top Five Industries Where Mica-Based Products Used?

Mica is a naturally occurring element with amazing physical and chemical properties. It is converted into a wide range of insulation products from its raw form. The key properties of mica include thermal stability, dielectric strength, durability, elasticity, reflective and refractive capabilities, cleavability, chemical resistance, and light weight. These properties make mica an ideal insulation solution for a wide range of industries. Read below about the five most common industries where many micaproducts are used. 1. Electrical Vehicle industry The electric vehicle industry is one of the major industries where a wide range of mica-based insulation products are used. The main use of mica insulation in the electric vehicle industry is to create high-voltage battery pack systems, thermal battery systems, and platforms for heat protection and runway loss. Apart from these, a wide range of mica-based insulation products including mica gaskets,...